Monday, 8 June 2009

Why Moldavia?

First, let me welcome you to my blog here on Blog Spot. I've got some fun blogs planned for the future, but I wanted to talk about Moldavia.

First, let me tell you a little about myself. I love to write. I've been writing since I was six. Back then I drew little Spiderman comic books. As I grew into a young teenager, I developed a passionate for comic books. I prefered the team or group comics like X-Men, Teen Titans, and the Legion of Superheroes. I loved an ensemble cast. In fact, I have the original comic where Kitty Pryde is introduced to the X-Men. John Byrne was the artist. Am I dating myself?

I wrote all throughout high school and while I was in the military. In fact, my novel, Destination: Berlin was born out of my trip on the Berlin Orientation Tour back in 1988. (But that's another post for another time.)

I started seriously writing about 10 years ago. "All That Remains" and "Are Your Dirty Little Secrets" are two of my earlier works and contemporary romances. "Are Your Dirty Little Secrets" was an Editor's Choice for IUniverse. Destination: Berlin in a military action/adventure story. "Across The Fickle Winds of History," is a time traveling story with romantic elements. ForeWord Clarion gave it a 3 star review. "The Wolf's Torment," is a fantasy with romantic elements. All of my works are self published.

Recently, I started entering the Writer's Digest Contests to hone my storytelling skill. Several of my short stories have received "Honorable Mentions," for which I'm very proud of, and I'll be sharing my short stories more in the future.

Writing is something I've found requires a lot of patience. There's writing, editing, 2nd and 3rd drafts of your manuscript. There's character bios, maps, and plot outline. I'm constantly reading books about writing and I have a subscription to Writer's Digest. I figure it helps to know as much about your craft - the actual writing aspect of it, and the way to get your work out there.

My pen name is SG Cardin and that's what my books are listed under. I've listed my books here on the side of my blog. If you click on the covers they will take you to Amazon or Lulu where you can buy my books.

So why name my blog "Adventures in Moldavia?"

Well, the writing world is one big adventure. I try to look at it as a big, fun adventure. Learning can be fun and I've learned not to take things, especially in the writing too seriously. Let learning be fun, be serious when you need to, but learning, getting feedback, and taking it all constructively is important if one wants to improve.

So writing is an adventure. It can take you to the heart of America or to the far off coasts of Africa. It can take you back in time or the far flung future. Writing is the biggest adventure of all.

My book, "The Wolf's Torment" takes place in the 1860's in Constanta. Currently, Constanta is a city in Romania on the coast of the Black Sea. In my novel, Constanta falls under the principality of Moldavia (which was united with Wallachia to make the present day state of Romania), but I took creative license with it, to tell the story I do in "The Wolf's Torment." In the novel, Constanta is Moldavia's capital, but in reality, it never was. Iasi was. Still, I wanted the novel set in Romania. Eastern Europe is steeped in supernatural lore and I wanted that underlying tone in the story.

Moldavia has a rich history. Stephen the Great help to fight the Turks in the 1400's.

While I've never been, I envision the lush green forests of my own native New England. Moldavia was the best adventure I've had yet in my writing.

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