Friday 20 November 2009

Week 3 NaNoWriMo Update - Slogging on

Well, it's week 3. Let me tell you, I am feeling a million things - stressed out, drained, and worried. I call this the storm before the dawn. I am drained. Writing 2K words a day is challenging since I have very little time. I'm stressed because I want to make 2K a day or I'll get behind. I'm drained because I am writing 2K at least and it's draining work. How's that for honesty.

On the plus side - I'm on target. I've got 32K words so far and I'll be adding some more today. And I LOVE what I'm writing. I love this story. Budapest is fantastic city for the setting. The story is romantic, mysterious, and fun. I love Anton. He's so tortured and Amelia's like a candle in the dark for him, just lighting up Ravenwind and his heart. The plot is strong. I've got some great scenes planned. I just need to write.

I'm drained, but I'm plugging on. **smiles**


Can a man haunted by an ancient curse fall in love? That’s what Count Anton Varga dares to explore when he meets beautiful and talented Lady Amelia Andrássy. Anton rediscovers Amelia in Vienna, Austria-Hungary, giving a concert and he hungers to pursue her, only he has a secret which he fears she will not accept. With the help and support of his friend and servant, Georg, Anton decides to win Amelia’s heart. Will the journey bring him the love he’s hungered for, or will it tear his heart apart?

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