Saturday 12 December 2009

Query Letters, Newsletters & Ebook Readers

Gosh, can you believe it's Saturday? The weekend snuck up fast didn't it? Today's theme is usually query tips and literary agents.

QUERY TIP: Don't compare yourself or the work you're writing about to another author, usually more famous. Agents don't want to see that. While your story may have paranormal elements like vampires, don't say it's like "Anne Rice." Let the characters and the story sell itself without the Anne Rice reference.

LITERARY AGENTS: I love hanging out at Nathan Bransford's blog. I can't gush enough about him because he's easy to read, straight to the point and very topicial. If you get a chance, hang out on his blog. On the side bar, he has what type of manuscripts he's looking for and he's got a good tutuorial about how to query and format a query letter. If you're interested in solicating for an agent, his blog is a great place to start.

Here's a link:


I published a monthly newsletter with news from the writing and publishing world, along with tidbits on the holidays, writing excerpts, weight watcher receipes, book reviews and poetry. In fact, I'm in the proofing stages for my DEC newsletter and I'll be sending it out on Monday. If you would like to sign up, please visit my website at: and on the home page scroll down to the bottom and fill in the form. I'd love to have you on my mailing list!


All I want for Christmas is an EBOOK reader.

No seriously. (And I think my Kindle is in the mail. My husband can't keep a secret to save his life.)

I like to hang out on Publisher's Weekly because they examine trends in the publishing industry and since the intro of the Kindle, ebooks have taken off. There were ebook readers before, but the Kindle benefited from Amazon's high profile. In 2008 alone, ebooks were over a 50 million dollar in the US. It's the way of the future.

Can store over a 100 books on most ebooks readers.
Convientent - you can take them ANYWHERE and read them ANYWHERE - especially while waiting in the dentist and doctor's office.
Saves on ink and paper.

You can't have an author autograph the story. :(

Love to hear your thoughts.

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