Sunday 14 February 2010

Moments in Time - That First Valentine

My First Valentine

I'm an author at Classic Romance Revival and today's post is in support of their Valentine Blog Carnival so I hope you enjoy and share some of your memories.

My first Valentine? Well, he wasn't a high school Sweetie. I was awkward and shy in high school. I did have a date to the prom, but he was a friend and I had to ask him. Sniff…

I met my Valentine in Germany of all places. I was 22 years old and I went to Butzbach, Germany for an Army Leadership Class in October 1990. It was four weeks of intense training. There was this tall, blonde hair, hazel eyed guy sitting in the back who liked to chew. I thought he was drop dead gorgeous – and he would never notice me. I was average height, average weight with a mop of untamable curly hair.

We hit it off. Kinda - tease me unmerclessly about my New England accent.

We waited for each other in the chow line. We shined our shoes together out in the back. We hung out during training exercises. When it came time for our weekend pass, we went on a date.

After we graduated in NOV 1990, we went to Bad Hersfeld and continued dating. On Christmas Eve he asked me to marry him. Of course I said. Our 1st Valentine's Day was 1991. He went chasing vendors in the rain to get me a bouquet of roses. I did up the 1 bedroom apartment we shared and got him an Oingo Bongo CD. (I told you I was a bit awkward) Sigh...He was my first Valentine and I'm still married to him today.

Drop me a line and leave me a post about your first Valentine. You'll be entered to win a $6.00 GC to Desert Breeze Publishing and I'll announce the winner on 19 FEB.

If you get a chance, head on over to my website and sign up for my FREE newsletter. All you have to do is go to and on the first page scroll all the way down to the bottom and fill in the form. I'd love to have you on my Newsletter list.

I'd love to hear about your first Valentine.

Because this blog post is in conjunction with Classic Romance Revival blog carnival, there is a grand prize - a 5-ARC package from Classic Romance Revival authors – which will be drawn from visitors commenting on the most blogs. To qualify for the grand prize, you need to register for the contest. Please visit the Classic Romance Revival blog to find details of all the blogs and to register:

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