Saturday 1 May 2010

Today's the day! The Hungarian is Out in the stores!

Moon over Turin, Italy, Dec 2009

Yay!! Today is the day that "The Hungarian" releases with Desert Breeze Publishing. I'm very excited. That said, I'm offering a couple of prizes. Here's how you can become eligable:

#1 - Sign in with a post. I'll pick one lucky winner out of a hat to receive a PDF ebook copy of "The Hungarian."

#2 - Become a Follower of me here on Blogspot. I'll pick one lucky winner out of a hat to receive a $6.00 GC to Desert Breeze Publishing.

So what's the book about? Count Matthias Duma harbors a dark secret, but when he meets a young British noblewoman, Katherine Archibald, he risks his secret for her love. The book is set in 1901. The first half of the book takes place in England and the 2nd half of the book takes place in Budapest, Hungary. Katherine is a young woman who loves books and has a sense of adventure, but has yet to satisfy her heart. Then she meets Matthias.


The door squeaked open and Katherine peeked over the top of her book. A tall, muscular man walked in wearing a white button-down shirt and holding his blazer. He paused, as if surprised to find her, and then walked toward the window, his stride easy. He moved with wolf-like prowess, his long legs taking cool, calculated steps as his unusual eyes surveyed her. Katherine bit the inside of her lip, returning his measured perusal with one of her own. His silence was unnerving, yet intriguing.

His eyes drew her to him -- malachite green with a gold ring around the iris. Dynamic. Expressive. Even now, as he looked at her, they softened and grew translucent. He stopped in front of the window and casually threw his blazer onto a nearby chair as if he owned the room.

"Hello," he said.


"You're staring."

"I am? I thought you were staring at me."

He chuckled. "Perhaps I was admiring you."


"Who else is here?"

Katherine pursed her lips as her insides warmed from the deep silkiness of his voice. He smiled and walked to her chair, slowly gliding around it, tracing his finger over the leather headrest, skirting her curly hair.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"And who is inquiring?" She tried to sound cool and composed, but she had to fight the nervous temptation to play with her hands.

"Romeo, perhaps?"

"Then my name is Juliet."

A teasing smile graced his lips as he walked out from behind her chair and glanced at a bookshelf before turning to look at her again.

"Would you fall for Tristan?"

"Only if my name were Isolde."

He walked over to a wooden table near the window and ran his long finger over a clay mock-up of Excalibur lodged in a stone. "What do you think of Arthur? Do you think it suits me?"

"Only Guinevere would believe your name was Arthur."

He crossed his arms, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "Would you believe my name was Matthias?"

"I might, if--"

"If what?"

"If I knew more about you."

****** Buy Links: Desert Breeze Publishing:

Amazon for Kindle

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