Monday 6 September 2010

Excerpt Monday - The Hungarian

The Set up: Katherine and Matthias meet.

The door squeaked open. Katherine peeked over the top of her book. A tall, muscular man walked in wearing a white button-down shirt and holding his blazer. He paused, as if surprised to find her, and then began to quietly walk toward the window. He moved with wolf-like prowess, his long legs taking cool, calculated steps as his unusual eyes surveyed her. Katherine bit the inside of her lip, returning his measured perusal with one of her own. His silence was unnerving, yet intriguing.

His eyes drew her to him – malachite green with a gold ring around the iris. Dynamic. Expressive. Even now, as he looked at her, they softened and grew translucent. Finally, he stopped in front of the window and casually threw his blazer onto a nearby chair as if he owned the room.

"Hello," he said.
"You're staring."
"I am? I thought you were staring at me."
He chuckled. "Perhaps I was admiring you."
"Who else is here?"

Katherine pursed her lips as her insides warmed from the deep silkiness of his voice. He smiled, and walked over to her chair, slowly gliding around it, tracing his finger over the leather headrest, skirting her curly hair.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"And who is inquiring?" She tried to sound cool and composed, but she had to fight the nervous temptation to play with her hands.

"Romeo, perhaps?"
"Then my name is Juliet."

A teasing smile graced his lips as he walked out from behind her chair and glanced at a bookshelf before turning to look at her again.

"Would you fall for Tristan?"

"Only if my name were Isolde."

He walked over to a wooden table near the window and ran his long finger over a clay mock-up of Excalibur lodged in a stone. "What do you think of 'Arthur?' Do you think it suits me?"

"Only Guinevere would believe your name was Arthur."

He crossed his arms, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "Would you believe my name was Matthias?"

"I might, if—"
"If what?"
"If I knew more about you."

Check out "The Hungarian's" Book Trailer at:

The Hungarian Released on 1 MAY 2010 with Desert Breeze Publishing. Here's a link to the site:


5 Stars, Author Tami Dee, "The Mists of Time Series"
Ms. Burkhart's writing is crisp, her imagery vivid. The story is compelling and the reader will find their selves not wanting it to end.

4 Stars, Nalisha Bradford, Reader
You are not lost or confused, and your
interest is held as you are touched by everyone in this story.

This ends with you wanting to continue on with their stories and
where it could lead you next, 'Book Two'.

5 Stars, Shawna K. Williams, Author of "No Other"
This book is a beautiful blend of history and mystique. And it's terribly romantic. Terribly!

5 Stars Margaret Young, Reader
By the time Katherine discovers Matthias's secret, Stephanie has us thoroughly invested in this endearing, page-turning tale of werewolves, witches, friends, and enemies, all striving and driving for one end -- happily-ever-after. This is a must-read for anyone who loves a good love-story with a twist. You won't be disappointed.

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