Monday 4 April 2011

Excerpt Monday - A Polish Heart

Blurb: When Darrin falls for his beautiful Polish interpreter, will Sophia's faith give him his heart back?
The Set up: Darrin and Sophia are finishing dinner at a local restaurant.

The waiter came and Darrin gave him his credit card.

"I'd invite you shopping with us, but I'm afraid you have a lot of work to do."

Darrin frowned. He did, but he hated to miss the opportunity to learn about the Easter basket and go shopping for it.
"Why don't you join us for mass on Palm Sunday?"

"Really? A mass? I haven't been in months. I'd need a confession."

"Do you want me to ask Father William if it would be permissible for me to translate for him? He takes confessions on Saturday afternoons."

"All right."

"You can work in the morning. I'll call you in the afternoon. Do you mind taking the metro again?"

"That's fine."

"What if he can't take your confession?" asked Sofia.

"I'll still go to mass with you, but I'd like to be able to receive the Eucharist."

Her smile widened, warming his heart.

"I would like that. I'll do my best to help get you a confession."

The waiter returned and Darrin signed the bill. They left. Sofia's car was parked in front of her house. The car ride back to his hotel was silent. She'd given him a lot to think about. How did he want to live his life? Falsely, trying to meet his parents' expectations? Or did he want to let his heart breathe? He was twenty-nine. Wasn't he entitled to let himself follow his own course? He had a good job, a nice apartment – he just had to live the way he wanted. And he had to guard his heart, turn away dishonesty and keep his eyes firmly on the path ahead, as the rest of the verse advised.

Sofia pulled up to the front of the hotel and put the car in park. Darrin turned to face her. The fringes of her lashes cast shadows on her cheeks, softening her expression. He reached out and gently took her hand in his. Her touch sent warm tendrils of desire through him. With the other hand, he cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes, and drew in a sharp breath before opening them again.

Lightly, he rubbed his thumb against her jaw.
"May I kiss you?" His voice was low and husky.


He leaned forward, his lips feather light, touching hers with tantalizing persuasion until she opened up to him. He kept the kiss slow, thoughtful, enjoying the hints of berries and currants that lingered from the malbec. He pulled away gently.
"That was nice," she whispered.
"Call me tomorrow."
"I will."
Darrin opened the door and stepped out. He waved to Sofia and she waved back as she drove away.

Darrin went to his room and revisited his luggage, removing his travel Bible from an inner pocket. He always took it with him, just in case. Opening it up, he went to the book of Proverbs, sat up against the headboard of the bed, and began to read.

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