Friday 17 June 2011

Welcome Guest Author - Mariposa Cruz

STEPH: I don't know much about Howl. Can you tell me a little about it?

MARIPOSA: Personally I’m drawn to stories about people with real problems even those who live in alternate realities. As a single mother, Kate worries about raising her daughter and making ends meet. Then the fragile balance of her life is thrown into upheaval after a shapeshifter attack.

STEPH: Where did the inspiration for the story come from?

MARIPOSA: Growing up I loved watching monster movies on Saturday afternoons and I wanted to tell those stories from a woman’s perspective. I started writing Howl shortly after we moved to Reno from Northern California. I missed my California family and friends and my initial loneliness surfaced in both Kate and Jack in different ways.

STEPH: You know I grew up watching "Creature Double Feature" with all the monsters as a little girl in the 1970's too!

Where is the story set? How important was that to the story?

MARIPOSA: Howl is set in Haven, California, a fictional town based on some of my favorite towns in Mendocino County. The mysterious beauty of the area makes it a perfect setting for the supernatural.

STEPH: How long did it take you to write?

MARIPOSA: I worked on Howl in between other stories and freelance writing projects so it’s tough for me to estimate the actual writing time.

STEPH: Cast the movie! Who are Kate and Jack?

MARIPOSA: Cameron Diaz’s wide-set blue eyes remind me of Kate. Gerard Butler with his intensity
would make a perfect Jack.

STEPH: What do you hope resonates with readers after they finish reading?

MARIPOSA: I hope that readers believe that they can reach their own HEA even if it means traveling
dark roads to get there.

STEPH: Do you have an ebook reader? If so, which one?

MARIPOSA: Not yet, but the Nook is definitely on my wish list!

STEPH: What's your writing space like?

MARIPOSA: I have two “writing spots”. I do most of my writing in my bedroom with a mug of tea at my elbow while my cat snoozes at the foot of my bed. Sometimes during lunch I’ll write in the car with a view of Mt. Rose.

STEPH: What summer movie are you looking forward to?

MARIPOSA: I can hardly wait for the final Harry Potter movie, though it will be bittersweet to see the series end.

STEPH: Any advice for aspiring writers?

MARIPOSA: Set reasonable writing goals for yourself and stay consistent. Even if it feels like all you’re doing is collecting rejections, you are far ahead of the folks who have all their stories in mind and nothing on paper.

Here’s a blurb:
As if Kate Owens doesn't have enough problems as a struggling single mom and paralegal, a brutal animal attack outside her office plunges her into turmoil. At work, she is attracted to her rescuer, Jack Walker, an attorney wary of commitment. Every morning after the attack she awakes drenched in blood beside the body of a mangled stray. Kate's days become a battle to maintain control while her nights are a disturbing blur of dreams. Will Kate's nightly madness harm her young daughter? Lone wolf attorney, Jack Walker understands the reason for his paralegal's exhaustion and haunted demeanor. Jack has pursued the beast since law school graduation and he knows the creature's relentless thirst for revenge.

Can Jack save Kate from her attacker and her own savage nature?

Here’s some reviews

4 Books from The Long and Short Reviews

“I love a good werewolf/vampire/ shape-shifter story and this one doesn’t disappoint. Ms. Cruz spins a story that kept me right in my seat throughout. The characters are rich with detail and I felt like I was a part of the tale, right alongside them. The secondary characters really enhanced the story as well. But more than that, the abundance of characters helped me see the group as more as a family.”

Bitten by Books

“I will definitely be looking out for more stories from this author.”

Howl is available at The Wild Rose Press
I feature author interviews and other writing-related musings at my blog

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