Friday 20 August 2010

Guest Author Series - Welcome Beth Bence Reinke

I'd like to welcome fellow 4RV Author, Beth Bence Reinke to the blog today. Beth's children's novels include "In My Bath," and the recently released, "A Wish and Prayer." I've read both of Beth's books and I adore them.

STEPH: Can you tell us the inspiration behind "In My Bath?"

BETH: The first thing was reading a picture book with a little girl pretending to sleep in different animal beds – a bird nest, a cave, a hollow tree. The second was a bedtime routine with my sons where I performed silly skits using their stuffed animals, including an elephant and manatee, which appear in In My Bath.

Those two things blended together to become a little boy imagining different water-loving animals in his bathtub. My hope is that kids who don’t like bathtime will read the book and discover that they can have fun in the tub by using their imaginations.

STEPH: How did the story find it's way to 4RV Publishing?

BETH: During the Muse Online Writers’ Conference in 2008, I learned about 4RV Publishing. The idea of working with a small publisher appealed to me, so I submitted my manuscript. To my delight, it was accepted.

STEPH: How long have you been writing?

BETH: In high school, I preferred essay questions on tests instead of multiple choice, so I’ve always liked writing. By training, I’m a registered dietitian and that was my day job for a while. I still keep my finger on the pulse of nutrition by writing articles about food and health for adults magazines. You can read my articles and nutrition tips at my website.

When my younger son started second grade, about seven years ago, I started writing as a serious career. Before that were many years of learning about the craft through reading and classes and submitting a story or two to magazines. When my boys were small, I studied with the Institute of Children’s Literature and highly recommend those courses to anyone who wants to write for kids.

STEPH: Do you have any other books?

BETH: Yes, 4RV Publishing just released my second children’s book, another collaboration with illustrator Ginger Nielson. A Wish and a Prayer is about a boy named Jason whose pet parakeet flies out the window and is lost. The book explores the differences between wishing and praying.

Next spring, I have two books in the “Devotions to Go” series releasing from publisher Extreme Diva Media. My third children’s book from 4RV Publishing is slated for late 2011 or early 2012.

STEPH: Do you have a favorite children's author you like to read?

BETH: Hmm, that’s a tough one. Sooo many good authors, I have trouble picking a favorite. When my boys were little, we read Dr. Seuss books over and over and over. The rhymes and silliness were such fun and made them laugh.

STEPH: Do you have any hobbies you'd like to share with us?

BETH: I’m a “couch potato” sports fan - racing and football. Watching the NASCAR Sprint Cup race on Sunday afternoon (or sometimes Saturday night) is my relaxation time. Don’t tell anyone that I sometimes take a mid-race catnap! I like the Green Bay Packers and enjoy watching Brett Favre play, no matter what colors he wears. With two teenage boys in the house, NFL Network is on a lot so I learn a lot of football news. The best football games are the ones my sons play though. Go team!

STEPH: Can you share some links with us where we can find "In My Bath?"

Readers can order In My Bath from the children’s book page at 4RV Publishing. It’s available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-a-Million. Any brick-and-mortar bookstore can order it, too.

Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today, Stephanie. I appreciate your hospitality!


4RV Publishing:


Barnes & Noble:


Beth Bence Reinke’s website:
Beth’s bio:

Ginger Nielson’s website:

My review for:

Reinke pens a clever, imaginative story with "In My Bath." A young boy takes a bath and lets his imagination help get him clean. The story is written to appeal to children between 4-8 years old.

As the young boy suds up he sees fish, dolphins, penguins, pelicans, and beavers. It's fun to play with them as he gets clean. While the boy thinks of all the different animals that live in the water, there's always a bathtub rubber ducky to remind the boy he's in the tub. The message of the story is clear: left to their imaginations, young children will have fun in the tub and get clean.

The book visually appeals to children. The illustrations will get their attention and hold it. For children who might be afraid of taking baths, this book would help them to realize all the fun to be had in the tub. "In My Bath" will soak you with smiles.


Jason learns the difference between wishes and prayers in "A Wish and a Prayer." Geared for 5-8 year-olds, this heartwarming story will leave young readers with smiles.

Jason loses his pet parrot, Sonny. Young readers can identify with Jason's sense of loss and his desire to see Sonny again. This is a great story for parents to share with children who have experienced that same sense of loss.

"A Wish and a Prayer' also affirms the hope and love of God's presence in our lives in a way young readers can relate to. The story's illustrations are eye-catching. Children will be cheering for Jason to be reunited with Sonny. "A Wish and a Prayer" will resonate with young readers long after they've read the book.

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