Wednesday 26 January 2011

Guest Author Series - Author Melanie Atkins talks about B&N Nook Ereader

STEPH: Welcome to to my ebook reader series, Melanie. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

MELANIE: I'm a multi-published author of romantic suspense, a fan of crime dramas, and an avid reader. Writing is more than an escape for me-- it's just what I do. I grew up in the Deep South listening to tall tales and writing stories about my cats. Now I write stories of love, suspense, and mystery with the help of my furry little feline muses. And... I love to read, especially on my Nook.

STEPH: What ebook reader to you have? How long have you had it?

MELANIE: I've had my Nook about six months. I love it!! I don't want to read paper books anymore, because I have to hold them open. lol

STEPH: What do you like the most about it?

MELANIE: I love that I can order books anywhere via either 3G or wifi and have them in only seconds, and that I can increase the font size so I can read at the gym with the Nook propped on the treadmill. I can also turn the page with the push of a button. So cool.

STEPH: What do you like the least about it?

MELANIE: That I didn't wait and get the Nook Color. lol

STEPH: What features are unique to your Nook?

MELANIE: I don't know if any of its features are unique anymore, since it's the first Nook. But it does have both wifi and 3G, which makes ordering easy. It also acts as an mp3 player. I don't have any music on it now, but I can add it if I want to.

STEPH: Is loading books onto the Nook easy?

MELANIE: Easy as pie. Find the book and order, and it's automatically downloaded in seconds. The last book, I bought at the gym on the recumbent bike. So simple and fun.

STEPH: What are some of the pros to your book reader?

MELANIE: The screen isn't backlit, so it doesn't hurt my eyes. I'm able to increase the font size, and it has both wifi and 3G.

STEPH: Was price a factor when you bought it?

MELANIE: Yes. I waited until I had a little extra money... then I snapped it up. I'm very happy with it.

STEPH: Anything else you'd like to tell us about the Nook?

MELANIE: It's so easy to transfer books to the Nook that I've bought at sites other than Barnes and Nobles. I hook it to the computer via a USB cord, as if it were a flash drive or something, and just drag and drop. No proprietary format, either. The Nook allows a variety of them, including pdf, but epub seems to work the best. I'd buy it again tomorrow.

STEPH: Thanks for sharing, Melanie!

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