Friday 27 May 2011

Welcome Guest Author - Carol Preflatish

STEPH: I don't know much about "Love, Lies & Deceit." Can you tell us a little about it?

CAROL: "Love, Lies & Deceit" is about a rookie female CIA officer who falls in love with her veteran training officer. He gets arrested for treason and she risks her career and her life to help prove his innocence.

STEPH: How long did it take to write?

CAROL: Because I work full time at a day job, it takes a while for me to write a book. This one took over a year.

STEPH: Did you have to do a lot of research for it?

CAROL: Yes and no, I did do a lot of research about the different locations that take the book takes place in. As for the information on the CIA, my husband is a former Army Counter-intelligence agent and was a huge help with the technical parts.

STEPH: Are you a plotter or a panster?

CAROL: Maybe a little of both. I don't have a defined outline that I work from, but do jot down a few things that I refer to periodically.

STEPH: Do you draft up character bios? Cast the characters. Who are the leads?

CAROL: Absolutely, I have a 3-4 page character chart that I fill out on all of the main characters. I am constantly adding to it as I write. With the last manuscript that I just finished, I did print off photos of what I thought the characters looked like.

STEPH: What's the theme of the novel?

CAROL: I suppose you could say it's true love conquers all, but it's also a story about the risk the two characters take to prove the hero's innocent. They build a trust in each other, but it's not an easy road.

STEPH: What do you want readers to get out of your novel?

STEPH: As with any romance novel, it has a happily ever after ending, but I hope that readers will connect with the main characters and embrace their adventure to the end.

STEPH: Do you have an ebook reader? If so, which one?

CAROL: I have a Kindle and I love it. I have an ample supple of books at my fingertips and all of them can fit into my purse.

STEPH: What summer movie do you HAVE to see?

CAROL: I'm really looking forward to "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II."

STEPH: What was the last book you read?

CAROL: The last book I read was an ebook called "Wild at Heart" by Kenzie Michaels.

Thank you so much for hosting me here today, Stephanie. I've enjoyed myself. I'd like to invite your readers to connect with me on Twitter at

Treason, punishable by death. That's what CIA officer, Jason Reid is facing. So, he turns to the one person he trusts, Julie McBride, his rookie trainee and also the one person he was not supposed to fall in love with. How can she turn him away? She loves him, too. Together, they travel the United States and France to find who set Jason up and to prove his innocence.

You can view the trailer for my book at:

You can find a buy link on my web site at or visit my Amazon Author Page for a Kindle download,
and lastly on my publisher's page at

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