Thursday 26 May 2011

When Life Comes....

I actually saw this in my good friend's faceboook. I think he wrote this for his girlfriend or something but I really felt that this note was really awesome! I actually wanted to share it here but I never really had much chance to do so with my time getting screwed up recently.

Thomaz Chee, sorry and thanks I am stealing ur post man! =)

Two best friends sat on top of a hill.
It was time to say goodbye.
They swore they’d be best friends forever. Nothing more, nothing less.
They wrote their promises on separate papers and swore they would read each others on one of their wedding day.

The girl wrote:
I can’t promise that I won’t fall in love with you because i did.
I can’t promise that we’d only be best friends because i want us to be more.
I can’t promise I’ll walk down the aisle with someone else because i want to be your bride…

The guy wrote:
I promise i won’t fall in love with you
I promise we’d only be best friends, nothing more.
I promise I’ll walk down the aisle with someone else as my bride…

10 years later and it was the girl’s wedding day. The car just arrived at the church. Everyone was waiting for her to come out but she was reading a certain letter. She sighed and cried softly.

She walked down the aisle and arrived at the altar. She linked her hand with her groom and cried softly. She was getting married to the man of her dreams. Her best friend.
“Are you ok?” The groom asked.
“I just read your promise letter.” The girl said.
“You like it?” He asked softly.
“I love it!” The girl smiled.

TRUTH: Right at the bottom of the boy’s letter was a small message.
“These are the promises i know I’ll break. I love you.”

I really think that this post is really cute and nice! Because I would love to have my best friend be my best partner because I think that would be the best relationship ever! But I realized people are often scared of ruining the friendship that they share but honestly, if you ask me, I'd say that's the dumbest thing one could actually do! 


Regardless whatever people say, for me the best relationship is the 1 that you share with your bestie! Everytime I love someone, I take them as my bestfriend 1st! That's how I prefer it and if things doesn't work out, then I can still keep them because FRIENDSHIP is a bond that doesn't relate to romance! If a person is matured enough to understand this, they would not need to worry about ruining the friendship at all! 

Just my opinion. =) 

Sorry haven't been updating much. Been overly busy recently but I see that the traffic been consistent. Always grateful to my readers! Love you all!

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