Tuesday 13 April 2010

Genre Tuesday - Types of Romantic Men

Today I thought I'd talk about the different types of romantic men that we find in our romance novels. There are 3 types - the Alpha, the Beta, and the Omega. Let's dive in and have some fun. *grin*

The Omega Man
Think of this man as being the opposite of the alpha male. An alpha male must be perceived as the toughest, smartest, strongest, by his peers and those around them. An omega male cares little for the recognization - but he knows he's all those things and then some.

Omega men have no desire to belong to a group or to be a leader of a group. Now, an omega man does need support occasion, but he only really has one or two intimate friends. Omega men tend to shun shallow acquaintances, whereas alpha males thrive on having a large crowd around them.

The Alpha Male
The alpha man is confident in his abilities. He's powerful, assertive, masterful, and superior. (An Omega male is all those qualities, but in a quieter, more subtle way.) The alpha is somewhat ruthless, and perhaps a touch dangerous. The alpha is the quintessential male character in romance writing, but there is a growing trend for omega and beta.

The Beta Male

A beta male is good looking, charming, afable, and a family type of guy. He's got lots of friends, (unlike the omega.) Think of "Gone with the Wind." Ashley Wilkes is a beta male, while Rhett Butler is an alpha male. Betas don't enjoy confrontation, but won't back down from one either. An Alpha would relish a confrontation, an omega would meet the challenge head on with an even temper.

Betas are also known as practical, down to Earth, and have a great sense of humor.

When putting together your romance, keep the following in mind: Is your story set in the past? If so, an alpha or an omega hero might be more appropriate. Is your story a contemporary or inspirational romance? Then a beta hero might have more appeal. Remember, ultimately, the hero has to be a character that your readers can find interesting.

Let's have some fun: Name a book you've written or read, the hero and tell me if he's alpha, beta, or omega.


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