Friday 23 April 2010

Welcome Guest Author - Celia Yeary

Celia Yeary is a friend of mine from the Book Spa Friends Group who enjoys writing westerns. Celia lives in Texas and she's here today to talk about her book, "Texas Blue." Welcome Celia!


When Buck Cameron finally found Marilee Weston and her young daughter, he believed the pretty, young woman did not fit the character description he was given. The County Judge back home said she was not fit to raise the child, who he claimed was his. Now Buck faced a dilemma. Should he disobey orders and rescue both of them from isolation? He would, because there wasn’t enough money in the world to exchange for a child. All he had to do was convince Marilee of his good intentions—she and her daughter would safe be with him in Nacogdoches.

Rejected and abandoned by her father, Marilee Weston let the pain of betrayal make her strong. Now, she needed a way out of the forest, where she had lived for five years. But the towering pines and fear of the unknown imprisoned her, and loneliness and heartbreak suffocated her. How could she find a new life for herself and young daughter? She couldn’t. Not without help. But would this alluring stranger free her, or prove to be even more dangerous?

Celia Yeary is a seventh-generation Texan, and her life revolves around family and friends—and writing. San Marcos has been her home for thirty-five years. She has written three romance novels for a small press, essays for Texas Co-op Power magazine, and several different topics for her weekly blog. She also writes women’s fiction and hopes a publisher comes along who likes these stories, too.
The author is a former science teacher, graduate of Texas Tech University and Texas State, mother of two, grandmother of three, and wife of a wonderful, supportive Texan. Celia and her husband enjoy traveling, and both are involved in their church, the community, and the university as retired faculty.


At this, he turned on the step to look up at her with his eyes narrowed. “And we had one hell of a night, didn’t we? Or maybe you didn’t. Now that I think on it, that didn’t make any impression on you. You know what it feels like, Marilee, to be made a fool? It hurts. Gut-level pain. Stupidly, I honestly thought you wanted me just like I wanted you. I’d fallen so in love with you, I firmly believed I could make you love me, too. Then what did you do? Slapped me right down from my lofty feelings.”

“Buck, I…”

“Don’t placate, me, Marilee. I got the message, loud and clear. Finally. You were right. I do have a thick skull. Takes me a while to see the real picture.”

His words struck deep, into her soul. Now, she realized how much he truly loved her, and she knew in her heart, he could overlook all of her shortcomings. He started to rise, and gently, she placed her hand on his arm to keep him in place.

“My darling,” she whispered. She felt his muscles tense. “Please forgive me. I am undoubtedly the most stupid woman on the face of the earth. Now, you have to answer this question.”

With a disbelieving look, he stared at her. She heard him breath slowly and deeply. Still as stone, he looked into her eyes and waited.

“I have six dollars saved. I have a daughter, soon to be five. I have a few clothes, but they’re all castoffs. That’s all that I have in this world. Except for one more thing. I have so much love for you, I will go anywhere with you, that is, if you still want me. And I…”

He cut her words off with a hard kiss, an open-mouthed, devouring kiss. He pulled her up, around the church, and between two Rose of Sharon bushes. He pushed her against the clapboard siding of the building, placed his hands flat on the wall, and pressed his body into hers.

“Damn, honey. You’ve about killed me.”

Texas Blue is available at Amazon for KINDLE:

Wild Rose Press:

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